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Tournament organisers Steve and Lisa Bolton arrived about 11am to set up for the 12 noon start. They were soon joined by club stalwart Frank Lord who kindly picked some strawberries for the afternoon refreshments.


17 players arrived before the strike out time and before play commenced all the players spread out around the green with one bowl in hand. A jack was placed in the centre of the green and on Steve’s command all the players sent their bowls towards the jack. After the carnage, when all the bowls and jack had come to rest, Jim Lomas’ bowl was nearest the jack and he picked up a 1.5 litre bottle of prosecco as a reward.

The draw was done and last year’s winner Brenda Lord (Handicap 2), faced handicap back marker Brian Hargreaves (Scratch). Having 2 chalks deducted for winning last year’s handicap proved to be too much for Brenda and she was defeated 16-21.


2014 runner-up Peter Brine (1) went the same way as Brenda – into the consolation event – losing to Brian 17-21 despite being level at 16across.


Some thought that Tom Quinton’s (3) handicap start of 2 against Lancashire County player Alison Heys (1) would not be enough. However, Tom had other ideas and won 21-18.


Newcomer Steve Marlow (8) had won 7 of his 10 league games in his first season in the Rossendale League and that alerted the handicapper. However, the more experienced Bill Perry (7) ran out a comfortable 21-13 winner. Steve has a smooth delivery and good concentration though and will surely improve with experience.


Frank Lord (1) and Kimberley Medlen (1) looked a game too close to call on paper. However, Kimberley was out of sorts and Frank ran out an easy winner 21 -14.


Jim Lomas (10) stayed off the prosecco, but it didn’t help him to beat the greenkeeper, Jim Riley (7). Level at 15, the club treasurer could manage only 1 more chalk and went out 16-21.


B Team player Iain Dunn (10) had A Team legend Derek Shenton (1) worried when he extended his lead to 12 – 0 after 3 ends. However, Derek chipped away at his lead and ran out from 14-18 down.


Derek Keeble (8) had a 3 chalk advantage over his team mate Andy Boyes (5) and although Andy went 5-3 ahead Derek had a decisive 12 break and held off a late fightback from Andy to maintain his handicap start at the end 21- 18.


The final first round game saw Gill Hargreaves (4) overcome an injured leg to beat Jim Chadwick (10) 21-16. Jim retired to the refreshment hut for Paninis and cider!


Again, some doubted whether Tom Quinton’s handicap start of 3 would be enough against Brian Hargreaves who stands in 4th place in the Rossendale League averages. However, after opening up a 7-0 lead, a 9 break mid game was decisive and despite a late rally from Brian, Tom ran out a 21-16 winner.


Bill Perry (7) had a 6 chalk advantage over Ramsbottom League captain Frank Lord (1) and he never let it slip in a comfortable 21-15 victory to reach the semi- final.


It was a similar story in the 3rd quarter final where Jim Riley (7) held off his pal and green keeping assistant Derek Shenton (1) 21-17.

Gill Hargreaves (4) was struggling more and more with her leg injury and was probably relieved to sit down after losing to Derek Keeble (8) 14 -21.


A consolation event for first game losers was welcomed by those players as it guaranteed everyone at least 2 games on the day. Kimberley didn’t want to play so it meant 8 players went into the draw. Peter Brine beat fellow A Team player Alison Heys 21-13 in the final picking up a £15 prize. Alison won a tenner.

Notable performances in the consolation included a 21-7 demolition of Andy Boyes by Jim Chadwick and a 21-8 walk in the park by Iain Dunn against Jim Lomas. Steve Marlow again showed his promise by running A Teamer Peter Brine close in an 18-21 defeat and Brenda Lord lost nothing in a 19-21 defeat to Alison Heys in a high quality game.


The first semi-final in the main completion was one-sided affair with Derek Keeble (8) comfortably accounting for Jim Riley (6) 21-8. Jim picked up £15 for his day’s work though.


The second semi-final was closer with only 1 chalk between Bill Perry (7) and Tom Quinton (3) at 16-17. A pair of doubles for Tom though closed the game out 21-16. Bill won £15, but very generously donated his winnings to the bowling club.


Derek Keeble (8) had a 5 chalk handicap start over Tom Quinton (3) and extended that to 9 in the first 3 ends. However, Tom won the jack and scored 14 with only 1 reply as Derek appeared to tire against Tom’s longer lengths. Derek dug in to level at 14 and 15, but Tom broke away again to lead 20-15. Never say die Derek rallied for one last try and had the game in his hands at 19-20. Tom kept his nerve though to win the final chalk, £50 and the trophy donated by Lisa and Steve Bolton. Derek picked up £30 for his efforts.


Steve Bolton presented the prizes and thanked everyone for their attendance and support of the event. He also thanked wife Lisa for providing refreshments throughout. She was rewarded with a well-deserved round of applause.


Out of 17 entrants, 9 won prizes. Gill Hargreaves had Tom Quinton in the sweep and won a £17 prize for a £2 fee. Andy Boyes picked Derek Keeble and won £9 with the remaining £8 raised for club funds.


We look forward to seeing you all and hopefully some new entrants next year on Sunday 17th July 2016, 12 noon.

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